Kidney - renal papilla (4x objective lens)

This image shows the renal papilla (upper portion of the image), located at the base of the medulla, and the lumen and wall of a minor calyx (lower portion of the image), the funnel-shaped structure that fits over the papilla. Within the papilla are numerous large papillary ducts (ducts of Bellini), lined by simple columnar epithelium. Urine flows from the papillary ducts into the calyx through the area cribrosa (not shown), formed by the openings of the papillary ducts through the epithelium that covers the papilla. The papilla is covered by stratified cuboidal epithelium, and the calyx is lined by transitional epithelium, resting on an underling layer of smooth muscle, ordinary connective tissue and adipose connective tissue.
Stain = H&E.

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Copyright Paul B. Bell, Jr. & Barbara Safiejko-Mroczka

The University of Oklahoma

Version 010603